Panda 0.1.1-alpha

Panda 0.1.1-alpha has been released! 🎉

Changes in language

  • GH-528 Move return type of method to the end of its signature
shared shouldReturnTrue () -> Bool {
  return true
  • GH-526 Support string method names
shared 'should return true' () -> Bool {
  return true
  • GH-529 Support backquote sequences
String text = `text with ' ' and " " :)`

// useful when we want to mix ' and "
`"Two things are infinite: 
the universe and human stupidity;
and I'm not sure about the universe."`
  • GH-532 Rename public visibility to open
open type World { 
  open String name = `Earth`

  open getName () -> String {

Changes in API

  • GH-527 Remove InterceptorData and LocalCache and delegate its functionalities to LocalChannel
  • GH-527 Always fork context to guarantee independence of layers
  • GH-531 Optimize PandaSourceStream#getUnreadLength
  • GH-531 Add immutability signature to improve the performance of not modifiable snippets
  • GH-531 + GH-527 Rename CustomPattern to FunctionalPattern, improve its performance and add simplified API to the BootstrapInitializer
  • GH-531 Use generated method injectors to call bootstrap methods to improve the performance




To download and install Panda, visit the install page.